Parenting is an exciting affair especially for the first time parents. It is something that these days, lights that bulb of ideas in the modern parents’ heads, thus the rise of parenting blogs. It just happens with all the excitement of being a new parent. What with the availability of the free space that social media provides. There’s the question of children’s consent when they grow up. Some posts might just embarrass them. When they still are adorable and cuddly, all’s well.
There are several mummy blogs perhaps because mothers are more expressive and would like to share the joys of parenting with the world. Well, enough of reasons why people start parenting blogs.
There is new trend that’s catching up. Video blogs, is the new norm. In my curiosity about video blogs on parenting, I ran into a couple and thought, why not share? So here goes:
1. New Father chronicles by La Guardia Cross is a hillarious series of videos interviewing his daughter Amala. Amala answers in baby language which is translated by subtitles.
2. Patricia and Mike are a young couple expecting a baby. They vlog about their life as a couple on the youtube channel Britpoplife Vlogs. This is definately developing into a parenting blog, if by now it doesn’t qualify as one. Alert! The videos are 14 minutes or longer, so think of it as watching a TV reality series.
3. Mark Gregston has a youtube channel on parenting today’s teens. He gives advise to parents who have teens. The vlogs are short, about 3 minutes long. Ideal for the fast paced society where people’s attention span is limited. OK. I must have spoken typed too soon. Some of the videos are up to 30 minutes long.
4. Monika Daily is a YouTube channel, sharing lifestyle, beauty and mommy experiences. Monica is a mum of two. Alert! Some videos are in Polish language.
5. Cool Mom, Daphne Brogdon has a blog where she writes her experiences of motherhood. She also has these short videos in her posts. This vlog led me to the next.
6. CafeMom Studios is a collection of mom video blogs. One of them is The Stir. Hilarious! Watch this one about why moms need a drink.